Sunday 7 April 2024

Protest against the BBC 6th April - Do your job BBC without fear or favour

Six months into Israel's genocide in Gaza, SPSC Aberdeen continues to organise protests every week - some promoting BDS, especially the campaign against Barclay's complicity in the manufacture of weapons which are then sent to Israel. The protest today was against the BBC condemning its biased reporting throughout the conflict and calling for it to boycott the Eurovision if Israel is allowed to take part.

This is the first time in a while that I have spoken but I wanted to share my speech. I will create a record of our original protests when I can.

"We gather here six months into Israel’s vicious bombardment of Gaza which has seen the massacre of almost 33,000 civilians – over 14,000 of them children – with many more missing under rubble

Any excuse that Israel has put forward for their slaughter of civilians has long since been debunked by anyone with an ounce of humanity

The International Court of Justice has found plausible evidence of genocide and an interim report by the UN special rapporteur has confirmed that

These are important steps but anyone watching the horror unfold in Gaza over the past six months can be in no doubt that Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide

Not just the massacres of entire families through their bombing campaigns which have left so many bereaved, so many with life changing injuries, so many traumatised, so many displaced

A bombing campaign which has targeted so called safe areas – bombing residential areas and even the tents and makeshift shelters that the displaced have been forced into

Not just the destruction of most of the hospitals in Gaza, the targeting and murders of so many health care staff, that our colleagues in Health Care Workers for Gaza, some of whom are here today, remember every Friday evening