Monday 24 May 2021

Huge rally in Aberdeen tells the world #Palestinian Lives Matter

I was very proud to chair the second Aberdeen rally on 23rd May in support of freedom and justice for the people of Palestine and to call for an end to the oppression, occupation and apartheid policies of the Israeli government and an end to the siege of Gaza.

There were around 400 people there and we made a colourful and noisy sight as we walked in groups of 20 from the mosque on Nelson Street to Marischal Square. 

There we heard stirring calls to action from Imam Ibrahim, Dr Sanaa, Jonathan Russell from CND and Imam Molana Ghulam Hurr Shabbiri, who travelled from Glasgow to be a part of our rally.

It was most inspiring to hear from a number of younger people, reflecting the young people leading the unity action across Palestine. Eleven year old Mustafa was moved to read a poem called "Gaza's Child" after he learned about the impact of the occupation on Palestinian children.

Mariam, a student from Egypt narrated a story she had made up - an analogy to explain the background to the situation in Palestine. Rema Harbi, a student teacher beautifully sang "Mawal" an Arabic poem speaking of love for Palestine and the grief felt at the innocent Palestinians killed. Then Yasmine Benaissa, another student and member of our organising group issued a call to arms, echoing the warning that the ceasefire in Gaza did not mean that the struggle was over.

Another young person, Kareem, from Palestine asked to speak to thank all those in attendance for coming out to support his people and his country.

Here is my introduction.  

"My name is Kate Ramsden and I am a member of Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign as well as a senior UNISON activist and member of ATUC

"Thank you so much for coming along to show your continuing solidarity with the people of Palestine.

"There may be a ceasefire – hard won – and we are grateful that the bombing and killing in Gaza has stopped.

"But the oppression and occupation by Israel continues.

"The settler colonisation continues

"The siege of Gaza continues.

"We do not forget the 250 civilians killed in Gaza in the past two weeks, including more than 60 children.

"Whole families wiped out. Families that but for accident of birth could be yours or mine. Children that could be our children

"We do not forget the countless numbers injured and made homeless.

"We do not forget the evictions of Palestinians from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah and so many other places

"Or the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, still continuing today

"We do not forget the continuing acts of daily terrorism carried out by Israeli forces to disrupt the lives of ordinary Palestinians

"The world has not been listening, or paying attention, or caring. So Israel has been allowed to act with impunity.

"But now the world is waking up. Now we detect a sea-change. Now, like in Black Lives Matter we have become movement. Now we hear the refrain “Palestinian Lives Matter”

"Now governments are waking up too as ordinary people across the world raise their voices in protest and solidarity with the people of Palestine

"Now is the time to join together to demand that the international community holds Israel to account for its killing of Palestinians, for its imprisonment of Palestinian children, for its annexation of Palestinian lands in breach of international law, for its war crimes.

"Now is the time to demand that our government ceases trading arms with Israel in breach of our own domestic law.

"Now is the time to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement and refuse to buy Israeli produce, as we did with such effect in ending apartheid in South Africa

"Now is the time to join the chorus of voices demanding freedom and justice for the people of Palestine.

That is why we are all here today and why we will not stop."

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